Pakistan has emerged as the world’s third-largest exporter of sesame, with annual exports exceeding $1 billion. Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Rana Tanveer Hussain highlighted sesame as a high-value cash crop with significant export potential during an international sesame investment conference in Islamabad.“Sesame’s success underscores its transformative role in Pakistan’s economy,” Hussain remarked, emphasizing the government’s commitment to increasing production and accessing global markets for the crop. The minister outlined Pakistan’s significant progress in sesame production over the past five years. Annual production increased by 455%, reaching 1.119 million tons, while export volumes rose by 327% to 0.760 million tons annually. Export value also surged by 366%, climbing to $1.073 billion per year, securing Pakistan’s position as the third-largest sesame exporter globally. Hussain credited these achievements to the crop’s inclusion in the National Oilseeds Enhancement Program (NOEP) and collaboration between the federal and provincial agriculture departments. “Sesame has evolved from a neglected crop into a vital economic contributor,” he said.The minister urged stakeholders to focus on improving processing technologies, adding value to sesame products, and tapping into new international markets. He also called on the Ministry of Commerce to actively promote Pakistani sesame products globally, highlighting the crop’s potential to reduce edible oil imports and strengthen the agricultural sector’s economic contribution.