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  • Demand for Pakistan's sesame seed surges in China

    Mar 6th, 2024

    The growing demand for sesame seed in China, driven by the rising consumer preference for healthy and natural food products, offers a lucrative opportunity to Pakistani exporters. By capitalizing on this trend and maintaining quality standards, Pakistan is well-positioned to further solidify its foothold in the Chinese market and unlock new avenues for economic growth and prosperity, reports WealthPK. Sesame cultivation in Pakistan has traditionally been robust, with favourable climatic conditions and soil suitability contributing to high-quality yields. Pakistan's determined efforts to enhance the quality, competitiveness, and visibility of sesame seed exports have paid off, catapulting the country to a prominent position in China's import outlook. Additionally, a robust trade infrastructure and favorable trade policies have provided further impetus to this upward trajectory in exports. Pakistan's sesame seed exports to China have witnessed a remarkable surge, showcasing the effectiveness of strategic market positioning and bilateral trade relationships, says a report from the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC). According to the GACC, sesame seed exports to China surged to an impressive $290.66 million from January to December 2023. Pakistan bids farewell to iconic Talat Hussain This figure marks a staggering growth of 126.29 percent on a year-on-year basis. China imported 166,682.987 tons of sesame seeds from Pakistan in 2023. This represents an increase of 96.13% by volume, amounting to $290.66 million, compared to 84,985.321 tons worth $128.44 million in 2022. “Such exponential growth underscores the strengthening trade ties between Pakistan and China and Pakistan's growing role as a reliable sesame seed exporter,” said M. Danish, Scientific Officer at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC).“The surge in sesame exports is evidence of resilience and adaptability of Pakistan's agricultural community. Historically, sesame was confined to marginal lands, but concerted efforts under the National Oilseeds Enhancement Program (NOEP) have significantly expanded the cultivation areas, with a remarkable 187% increase from 2019 to 2024. This expansion not only boosts export volumes but also enhances the livelihoods of farmers across the country,” Mr. Nazakat, Principle Scientific Officer at the NARC, told WealthPK. Seven desks established under SIFC to attract foreign investment: Atta Tarar He said, “Punjab's dominance in contributing 95% of sesame production is noteworthy, showcasing the effectiveness of targeted interventions and agricultural strategies. However, it's equally important to recognize the untapped potential in Balochistan, where favourable climatic conditions present an opportunity for further expansion. Balochistan's higher average yields signify a region with the capacity to contribute even more substantially to Pakistan's sesame exports. “To fully harness the impact of this surge, strategic measures must be implemented. Firstly, there is a need for sustained investment in research and development. By adopting advanced agricultural practices and technology, we can optimize sesame cultivation, further increasing yields and quality. This not only enhances export competitiveness but also ensures sustainable farming practices,” he said. “Furthermore, diversifying export destinations is key to mitigating risks associated with dependency on a single market,” he added.
