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  • Confectionery sesame production reached 18,000 tons

    Jun 10th, 2024

    After the end of May with the confectionery sesame harvest coming to an end, the Paraguayan Chamber of Sesame Exporters (Capexse) estimated a total production of 18,000 tons for the 50,000 hectares cultivated during this campaign. This, despite the unfavorable climatic conditions that the grain presented in certain periods and that affected the expected yields to a certain extent.This was indicated by the president of Capexse, Gilberto Ozorio, to La Nación/Nación Media. He mentioned that taking into account the volume achieved and an average price per kilo of G. 10,000 to the producer, favorable factors are generated for the family farming sector, creating sources of direct income of approximately USD 25,000,000.Regarding sesame of the mechanized variety, a planting of approximately 40,000 hectares is projected, mainly in the Chaco region, with an initial projection of obtaining 20,000 tons. “The harvest began mostly in April and will continue throughout the month of June. We currently estimate progress of close to 40%,” Ozorio mentioned.The representative of the sector assured that an intense drought affected several production areas, so we will have to wait to have more precise data, although the volume will definitely be lower than expected. The objective of the 2023/24 campaign was to plant 100,000 hectares of the confectionery variety and another 100,000 of the mechanized variety. EXPORTS Regarding the movement of exports at the end of April, he detailed that shipments of 9,700 tons were recorded, representing a value of USD 18,700,000. “We estimate that the bulk of exports will be occurring precisely from May and will extend until the month of July, then gradually decreasing,” he added. According to the April report, the sector shipped the product to a total of 23 purchasing countries. Japan topped the list, followed by the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Mexico as the main destinations that absorbed close to 70% of total exports.
